Прибережні попередження
Діючі ПРИПи станом на 12.09.2024
- Coastal Warning 1 Black sea. Northwestern part. Isolated danger buoy missing.doc
- Coastal Warning 10 Black sea. Northwestern part. Special lightbuoy missing. Cancel NR 2.23.doc
- Coastal Warning 21 Black sea. Chornomorsk. Axial lightbuoy Sukhyi firth approach unlit .doc
- Coastal Warning 28 Black Sea Port Chornomorsk. Dredging operations.'INGULSKYJ'. .doc
- Coastal Warning 35 Danube river. Kiliyske mouth. 65.0 km. Port hand buoy NR 65 on station.doc
- Coastal Warning 38 Danube river.Bystre mouth. 90.74-90.98 km. Dredging operations “HEGEMANN IV” commenced .doc
- Coastal Warning 41 Black sea. Port Chornomorsk. Special Lightbuoy marking dumping ground estabilished.doc
- Coastal Warning 42 Black sea. Northwestern part. The danger of drifting mines remains. Cancel NR 91.23 .doc
- Coastal Warning 42 Black sea. Northwestern part. BDLC. Approach channel of Dnipro-Buzkyi port. Port hand byou NR 4 missing. .doc
- Coastal Warning 44 Black sea. Approaches to Pivdennyi port. Southern lightbuoy missing..doc
- Coastal Warning 45 Krymskyi Peninsula. Navigation prohibited. .doc
- Coastal Warning 49 Danube river. Kiliyske mouth. Starboard hand spar buoy NR 114 (belongs to Romania) missing.doc
- Coastal Warning 50 Black sea. Danube river mouth. mine danger. Cancel NR 133.22 .doc
- Coastal Warning 89 Danube river. Kiliyske mouth. Area from 91,1 km. to 91,8 km. Anchoring for all types of vessels is prohibited .doc
- Coastal Warning 90 Danube river. Kiliyske mouth. Area from 86,7 km. to 87,7 km. Anchoring for all types of vessels is prohibited .doc
- Coastal Warning 98 Black sea. Northwestern part. PIRACY ATTACK DANGER .doc
- Coastal Warning 98 Dniprovskyi firth. Khersonskyi Sea Channel. Rybalche Quarry. Derelict unknown river-sea type ship. .doc
- Coastal Warning 101 Danube river. Kiliyske mouth. Starboard hand spar buoy № 47 (Romania) missing.doc
- Coastal Warning 102 Danube river. Kiliyske mouth. Starboard hand spar buoy № 78 (Romania) missing.doc
- Coastal Warning 108 Black sea. WAR RISK AREA Cancel NR 92.22 .doc
- Coastal Warning 109 Black sea. Northwestern part. Misinformation spreading by the Russian Federation .doc
- Coastal Warning 111 Black sea. Danger of drifting mines RF .docx
- Coastal Warning 111 Kerchenska strait. Navigation prohibited. Cancel NR 44.23 .doc
- Coastal Warning 116 Tahanrozka gulf. Navigation prohibited Cancel NR 458.16 .doc
- Coastal Warning 118 Black sea. Azov sea. PIRACY ATTACK DANGER Cancel NR 99.22 .doc
- Coastal Warning 118 War risk area until further notice.doc
- Coastal Warning 122 Dnipro-Buzkyi region. Ice motion Cancel NR 26.22 .doc
- Coastal Warning 124 Routes to the ports of Ukraine.doc
- Coastal Warning 127 Black sea. Northwestern part. Mine danger at 061400 UTC SEP 23 .doc
- Coastal Warning 137 Black sea. Approach channel of Dnistrovsko-Tsarehradske mouth. Port hand lightbuoy NR 6 missing .doc
- Coastal Warning 140 Danube river. Bystre mouth opened for navigation, passage corridor from 0300 to 1700.Cancel NR 135.22.docx
- Coastal Warning 142 Black sea. Vessels in psns. Position sunk doubtful.doc
- Coastal Warning 149 Black sea. Approaches to Pivdennyi port. Lightbuoy south Trutaiev bank missing .docx
- Coastal Warning 150 Black sea. Approaches to Bystre mouth. Unknown starboard hand buoy detected .doc
- Coastal Warning 155 Black sea. Approach channel of Dnistrovsko-Tsarehradske mouth. Starboard hand lightbuoy NR 7 missing .doc
- Coastal Warning 157 Black sea. Lightbuoy southern missing and drift.doc
- Coastal Warning 170 Black sea. Special lightbuoy missing .docx
- Coastal Warning 425-19 Crimea. Temporarily occupied territories.doc
- Coastal Warning 426-19 Crimea. Temporarily occupied territories.doc
- Coastal Warning 486-19 Crimea. Temporarily occupied territories.rtf
- NAVAREA III 0034.2024.docx